Senin, 20 September 2010

Mereka dan Kentang Goreng

hari itu sehari sebelum kembali ke Jakarta, dia duduk di suatu coffee shop, mengobrol dengan seorang sahabat wanita nya, dua gelas lemon squash dan entah makanan ringan apa saja yang mereka santap, nampak nya itu bukan hal yang penting bagi mereka, mereka dewasa, mereka sudah tahu usia mereka, mereka sudah tahu bahwa mereka punya masalah, mereka sudah capek menjadi orang yang kuat, dan mereka saling membuang tempat sampah, kegundaan yang ada walau tanpa ada jalan keluar...

" mengetahui sesuatu yang benar itu beda dengan menjalankan sesuatu yang benar itu beda" katanya tanpa emosi berkaca-kaca

" alternatif satu , kamu pilih kawin dengan si A yang se agama, membuat orang tua nya bahagia, semua bahagia, tapi hatinya masih memikirkan si B" jawab si cowok

" alternatif dua, aku pilih kawin dengan si B, apa kawin di luar negeri dan menyakiti keluargaku ? pindah keyakinan dan menggadaikan keyakinan? " imbuh sahabat wanitanya

" bagaimana mungkin kamu setia ama si B kalau kamu tidak setia dengan AGAMA mu ? " tanya si cowok , dan kentang goreng itu tak terasa habis pula - dia tahu ternyata sedari tadi dia pesan kentang goreng-

wanita itu hanya diam, tersenyum, tak ada guratan sedih, tangis,atau bingung, maslaah itu sering didiskusikan berkali kali bertahun-tahun lalu

"bagaimana dengan kamu? sudah tahu memutuskan belok kemana?" tambah wanita itu

" aku sedang krisis, tak tahu kemana arah nya, tapi kalo aku sudah tahu aku akan perjuangkan kemana arah nya, kalo perlu kawin ke hongkong sekalian" jawab laki2 itu bersemangat

" sama saja , kita belum menemukan jawaban"

"sebenarnya kita menemukan jawaban nya, cuma kita takut untuk mempertanyakan kembali apakah itu benar atau salah lagi"



"the truth is..."

" hey , there's no single truth, aite?"

" tapi masalahn nya masyarakat seolah-olah membuat kebenaran itu adalah tunggal, dan ketika ada kebeneran versi berbeda itu bukan kebenaran tapi kesalahan"

" omongan kita makin ngelantur, can we just being so normal with happier mood "

" hahhaha pernah ga kita iri sama si D? Hidup nya simpel ,punya cewek cakep, keluarga bahagia, dan pikiran nya simple "

" kamu juga iri sama si D juga?"

"darl, we are being so pathetic"

" pantes di tulis dan di jadikan tulisan ini percakapan"

"sama-sama menantang kelaziman"

"pathetic, we are so pathetic, ultra sensitive"

"jadi apa penyelesaian nya?"

"duh balik lagi deh ke awal, kita tahu jawaban nya , tapi kita takut untuk mencocokkan dengean kebenaran versi kelaziman itu tadi"

"sudah malam, balik yuk, besok juga kamu balik ke Jakarta"

" bentar, aku pesan lemon squash lagi, dan hmmm apa itu tadi.... oh ya kentang goreng "

Senin, 06 September 2010

lazy monday's list

i was sitting on my cubicle when i posted this notes...
the smell of long holiday just spread out everywhere, lazy on monday is not of my league.. but today is the exception, the long holiday become the justification of being a super lazy crap..
when i finished the due diligence matter, and lil time to get some brain refreshing, i couldn't drive myself to eat some meals, _today is fasting month- and the time to fast-breaking still quite so long..
so i have a today's list what make me so happy
  1. listen the alay song ke$ha - your love is my drugs
  2. fast-breaking with hot tea
  3. sleep early while my tv still turning in
  4. call my mom
  5. take a shower
  6. lying in bed while my body covered by blankets and listening the rain outside
  7. coffee shop, hot chocolate and companionship
  8. knowing i have done the right thing
  9. no drama today
  10. listen the entire song of the "brother" the newest of the black keys's album

Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010

Dreams o Hayley

i love this song alot!!!!! well , sometime people or time make you down, and u don't have anything to say... i just make myself mourn for a while and make sure to don't let myself become so lame!!!

enjoy this lyric
Dreams on Hayley

Some people sleep easy,
some people dont.
See you keep your light on, stops you feeling so alone.
Some people make it better, some make it worse.
You thought he held you lightly, yet it got you where it hurts,
you're not the one,
you're not the one,
to blame.

Dream on Hayley,
Dont look down, there's nothing here for you to see
Dream on Hayley,
You're just about there, dont give up so easily
Dream on Hayley,
If you dont feel love, dreaming is the way to go
I know, I know, I know.

Some people trust too much,
some times thats you.
Shouldnt be a bad thing, it's more than I could do.
So much dissapointment, over the years.
Willing to love completely, but it always ends in tears.
But you're not mad, not so mad, to me.

Dream on Hayley,
Dont look down, there's nothing here for you to see
Dream on Hayley,
You're just about there, dont give up so easily
Dream on Hayley,
If you dont feel love, dreaming is the way to go
I know, I know, I know.

I can't keep dreaming on
Gotta keep dreaming on

Dream on Hayley
Dream on Hayley
Dream on Hayley

Dream on Hayley
Don't look down, there's nothing here for you to see
Dream on Hayley
You're just about there, don't give so up so easily
Dream on Hayley
If you don't feel love, dreaming is the way to go
Way to go, way to go, way to go, way to go, way to go.

Senin, 19 Juli 2010

hey, you the trophy chaser, i am fine...

Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.”(oprah)

i was sitting on my chair while i am writing this post ..
after all, with no calls, no message, no intention to start the conversation
my condition:
i am fine, and realize i have to stop the tiring tricks , the stupid-silly game that we have played, i quit... but not as quitter , i just try to save me from myself, to avoid the chance to be a super duper impulsive person,,,
with very very stable condition :
realizing that you just thought that i am one of your trophy, but i am not...
i am not your play ground, i am not your trashy bag, i am not your back up plan...
i am not what you think...
and if u thought that u know me so well

u totally damn wrong,,,

all i know about you:

you're just like the trophy chaser...

and i am not your trophy...



Kamis, 08 Juli 2010

the fool

"I must learn to love the fool in me, the one who feels too much, talks too much, takes too many chances, wins sometimes and loses often, lacks self-control, loves and hates, hurts and gets hurt, promises and breaks promises, laughs and cries."
- Theodore Isaac Rubin

Kamis, 01 Juli 2010


i like this movie,i am the fans of Jason Reitman ( Juno and Thanks for Smoking), inspite the fact i like the plot and the Soundtrack, i have just kicked out by the conversation between the Alex Goran (Vera Farmiga) and Ryan Bimgham (George Clooney), the script was amazing, simply like it,,,

Ryan Bingham: I thought I was a part of your life.
Alex Goran: I thought we signed up for the same thing... I thought our relationship was perfectly clear. You are an escape. You're a break from our normal lives. You're a parenthesis.
Ryan Bingham: I'm a parenthesis?


Selasa, 29 Juni 2010


today, June 29th 2010, i don't want to send you sms, do not try to call you, and no ping at all in the messenger...

well i just wait...

wait you're into me or not....

Selasa, 22 Juni 2010

happy minded

17:24, sitting on my chair in my cubicle, waiting the time to go out, i was writing the things that make me really happy right now after office hours (inspired by someone's blog ) and i should have my version :P shower
2.lying bed while listening Jack Johnson's CD
3.stopping sending short message to a such person tea
5.sleep early
6.having an affair
7.Laughing and laughing
8.Running to my old friends, and tell the truth!!!
9.Listening Joss Stone
10. Re-running Six feet under and laughing on (un)reality of funeral..
11. googling and searching an interesting blog
12. forget about monday morning
13.plan to escaping myself on this weekend
14.falling in love
15.sing aloud the song from Muse (supermassive black hole)
16.still believing the God and still take a prayer
17.Hot Chocolate
18.Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind the nice stranger and make a good conversation
20.singing Waka Waka this time for Africa

Kamis, 17 Juni 2010

my size

well, pagi kemaren seorang sahabat mengirim sebuah sms, sms berisi quotation tentang pertemanan, persahabatan.
well, i am not an expert for that thing, tapi saya tahu saya mempunyai beberapa sahabat yang sangat baik dan sangat pas dengan saya, seorang sahabat itu mengirimkan pesan kepada saya (dan mungkin kepada sahabat2 saya yang lain nya) " friends are like shoes, some loose, some tight.. some fit just right, they help you as you walk through life, thanks for become my size...

and they are my size :)


Senin, 31 Mei 2010

stop the agression

just stop the israel's agression

saya muak!!!

Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

untitled ....

i just talk to myself...

" are u really in love or love the idea to love someone" ...

well i don't know , i just thought that i faced the big whole which named afraid to the first move *lol

Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

sweet caroline

just see the link

and let sing with me :)
" Where it began, I can't begin to knowing
But then I know it's growing strong
was in the spring,
And spring became the summer
Who'd believe you'd come along

Selasa, 13 April 2010

happy thought (just a short story)

Nama saya Retno, umur saya 33 tahun, belum menikah, bekerja di kompleks bisnis Sudirman Jakarta, pekerjaan salah satu partner di salah Lawfirm terbaik di Indonesia, dan saya single dan terikat dengan hubungan simbiosis mutualisme dengan pekerjaan saya, dan saya bahagia dengan hidup saya, bahagia dengan pekerjaan saya, bahagia dengan apa yang melekat pada diri saya, terus terang saya pernah merasa sendiri, pernah merasa bahwa saya terlalu sulit untuk dijangkau oleh lelaki lain karena mereka terintimidasi oleh apa yang telah saya capai, padahal saya tidak frigid ataupun lesbian, dan saya berhak untuk memilih orang tanpa merekan terintimidasi oleh hal –hal seperti itu. Karena itu saya melampiaskan dengan pekerjaan. tapi saya bahagia. I am satisfied

Si Mimin dan Gravitasi

Si Mimin gadis 21 tahun, muda, enerjik,sangat enak untuk dilihat, sangat enak untuk diajak bicara, sangat keren untuk diajak diskusi apa saja, semua orang sangat menyukainya, seorang yang sangat lovable.

Si Mimin sendiri, menatap kaca berembun di belakang teras kampus, hari ini jadwal kuliahnya sangat padat, setelah itu dia harus bekerja di pusat perbelanjaan, menjajakan produk orang lain, tak kerap dia digoda, tapi dia tetap tahan godaan, tahan iman, tahan rayuan para lelaki.

Selasa, 16 Februari 2010

life, labels, and a chance

well, i rarely posting those kind of thing in my blog, mungkin karena sebuah alasan kesibukan menghambat aktivitas saya, or i don't want to tell anybody know what's exactly on my mind or what's exactly happened in my life recently,,

tapi ada satu hal yang ingin saya bagi disini,bukan untuk mendeterminasi, bukan untuk mengatakan bahwa saya salah atau saya benar, there's no judgemental dalam tulisan ini, terserah anda mau bilang apa ?

ini mengenai, hidup, labelisasi, dan kesempatan , well if u know the correlation from those words , Good :)